Commenting on her body, even if you are delivering a compliment, erases her recent pregnancy. Although she might be relived to hear she looks good in the midst of feeling badly, this comment could also incite anger or disappointment that she’s no longer pregnant.
What not to say:
As soon as you get pregnant again, your grief will wane.
What to say:
Time eventually eased my sadness.
Some women grieve, others don’t. We shouldn’t assume miscarriage affects people in the same way or for the same amount of time. There is no benefit to rushing heartache.

It is my hope that you found this post to be helpful. I ask that that as we enter the holiday season, please be gentle with those of us who have experienced a loss, understand that we may not reach out, but need (and expect) you to do so, remember that it is not about you and you may need to be uncomfortable for the sake of your loved one, and please think before you speak!


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